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without turning a hair

  • 1 without turning a hair

    without turning a hair
    sem pestanejar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > without turning a hair

  • 2 without turning a hair

    English-Dutch dictionary > without turning a hair

  • 3 without turning a hair

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > without turning a hair

  • 4 without turning a hair

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > without turning a hair

  • 5 without turning a hair

    English-spanish dictionary > without turning a hair

  • 6 without turning a hair

    adv. kılını kıpırdatmadan, soğukkanlılıkla

    English-Turkish dictionary > without turning a hair

  • 7 without turning a hair

    adv. kılını kıpırdatmadan, soğukkanlılıkla

    English-Turkish dictionary > without turning a hair

  • 8 without turning a hair

    ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > without turning a hair

  • 9 without turning a hair

    не выказывать эмоций, оставаться спокойным

    Australian slang > without turning a hair

  • 10 without turning a hair

    не выказывать эмоций, оставаться спокойным

    English-Russian australian expression > without turning a hair

  • 11 hair

    1) (one strand) Haar, das

    without turning a hair(fig.) ohne eine Miene zu verziehen

    not harm a hair of somebody's head(fig.) jemandem kein Haar krümmen

    2) collect., no pl. (many strands, mass) Haar, das; Haare Pl.; attrib. Haar-

    do one's/somebody's hair — sich/jemandem das Haar machen (ugs.)

    have or get one's hair done — sich (Dat.) das Haar od. die Haare machen (ugs.) lassen

    pull somebody's hairjemanden an den Haaren ziehen

    keep your hair on!(coll.) geh [mal] nicht gleich an die Decke! (ugs.)

    let one's hair down(give free expression to one's feelings etc.) aus sich herausgehen; (have a good time) auf den Putz hauen (ugs.)

    somebody's hair stands on end(fig.) jemandem stehen die Haare zu Berge (ugs.)

    get in somebody's hair(fig. coll.) jemandem auf die Nerven od. den Wecker gehen od. fallen (ugs.) See also academic.ru/5024/bad">bad 1. 1)

    * * *
    [heə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin: He brushed the dog's hairs off his jacket.) das Haar
    2) (the mass of these, especially on a person's head: He's got brown hair.) das Haar
    - -haired
    - hairy
    - hairiness
    - hair's-breadth
    - hair-breadth
    - hairbrush
    - haircut
    - hair-do
    - hairdresser
    - hairdressing
    - hair-drier
    - hairline
    - hair-oil
    - hairpin
    2. adjective
    ((of a bend in a road) sharp and U-shaped, especially on a mountain or a hill.) die Haarnadelkurve
    - hair-raising
    - hairstyle
    - keep one's hair on
    - let one's hair down
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - make hair stand on end
    - not to turn a hair
    - turn a hair
    - split hairs
    - tear one's hair
    * * *
    [heəʳ, AM her]
    1. (single strand) Haar nt
    to lose/win by a \hair ( fig) ganz knapp verlieren/gewinnen
    2. no pl (on head) Haar nt, Haare pl; (on body) Behaarung f
    he had lost his \hair by the time he was twenty-five mit fünfundzwanzig hatte er schon keine Haare mehr
    to have a good [or fine] head of \hair schönes, volles Haar haben
    to have [or get] one's \hair cut sich dat die Haare schneiden lassen
    to let one's \hair down seine Haare aufmachen
    to wash one's \hair sich dat die Haare waschen
    3. (hairstyle) Frisur f
    I like your \hair deine Frisur gefällt mir
    to do sb's/one's \hair jdn/sich akk frisieren
    4. (on plant) Haar nt, Härchen nt; (on animal) Haar nt
    the \hair of the dog [ein Schluck] Alkohol, um einen Kater zu vertreiben
    to get in sb's \hair jdm auf den Geist gehen fam
    get out of my \hair! lass mich [endlich] in Ruhe!
    to not harm [or touch] a \hair on sb's head jdm kein Haar krümmen
    keep your \hair on! BRIT, AUS ( usu hum fam) immer mit der Ruhe!, ruhig Blut!
    to let one's \hair down ( fam) sich akk gehenlassen
    that'll make your \hair curl davon wirst du groß und stark
    to make sb's \hair stand on end ( fam) jdm die Haare zu Berge stehen lassen
    that'll put \hairs on your chest ( hum fam: before drinking) das zieht dir die Schuhe aus; (before eating) das wird dich satt machen
    to not see hide nor \hair of sb jdn nicht zu Gesicht bekommen
    to not turn a \hair nicht mit der Wimper zucken
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (collective: on head) Haare pl, Haar nt

    a fine head of hair — schönes volles Haar, schöne volle Haare

    to do one's hair — sich frisieren, sich (dat) die Haare (zurecht)machen (inf)

    to have one's hair cut/done — sich (dat) die Haare schneiden/frisieren lassen

    she usually wears her hair up (in pony tail/bun) — sie trägt ihr Haar normalerweise in einem Pferdeschwanz/Knoten

    to let one's hair down (lit)sein Haar aufmachen or lösen (geh); (fig) aus sich (dat) herausgehen

    to get in sb's hair (inf)jdm auf den Wecker or auf die Nerven gehen (inf)

    I wish you'd get out of my hair while I'm working (inf) — kannst du mich vielleicht in Ruhe lassen, während ich arbeite

    that film really made my hair stand on endbei dem Film lief es mir eiskalt den Rücken herunter

    2) (= single hair) Haar nt

    to win/lose by a hair — ganz knapp gewinnen/verlieren

    → turn, split
    3) (= on body) Haar nt, Haare pl; (= total body hair) Behaarung f
    4) (of animal, plant) Haar nt; (of pig) Borste f

    I'm allergic to cat hairich bin gegen Katzenhaare allergisch

    the best cure for a hangover is the hair of the dog (that bit you) — einen Kater kuriert man am besten, wenn man mit dem anfängt, womit man aufgehört hat

    2. attr
    Haar-; (= horsehair) Rosshaar-
    * * *
    hair [heə(r)] s
    1. (einzelnes) Haar
    2. koll Haar n, Haare pl
    3. BOT Haar n, Trichom n
    4. Härchen n, Fäserchen n
    5. Haartuch nBesondere Redewendungen: by a hair äußerst oder ganz knapp (gewinnen etc);
    to a hair aufs Haar, haargenau;
    do one’s hair sich die Haare machen, sich frisieren;
    do sb’s hair jemanden frisieren;
    get in(to) sb’s hair umg jemandem auf den Wecker fallen oder gehen;
    not harm a hair on sb’s head jemandem kein Haar krümmen;
    have a hair of the dog (that bit one) umg einen Schluck Alkohol trinken, um seinen Kater zu vertreiben;
    have sb by the short hairs jemanden (fest) in der Hand haben;
    keep your hair on! umg reg dich ab!, nur keine Aufregung!;
    keep ( oder get) out of sb’s hair umg jemandem aus dem Weg gehen;
    keep sb out of one’s hair umg sich jemanden vom Leib halten;
    let one’s hair down
    a) sein Haar aufmachen,
    b) fig sich ungezwungen benehmen oder geben,
    c) fig aus sich herausgehen;
    lose one’s hair
    a) kahl werden,
    b) fig wütend werden;
    he is losing his hair ihm gehen die Haare aus;
    pull one’s hair out sich die Haare raufen;
    split hairs Haarspalterei treiben;
    the sight made my hair stand (up) on end bei dem Anblick standen mir die Haare zu Berge oder sträubten sich mir die Haare;
    tear one’s hair (out) sich die Haare raufen;
    not turn a hair nicht mit der Wimper zucken;
    without turning a hair ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken; curl A 1, B 1
    * * *
    1) (one strand) Haar, das

    without turning a hair(fig.) ohne eine Miene zu verziehen

    not harm a hair of somebody's head(fig.) jemandem kein Haar krümmen

    2) collect., no pl. (many strands, mass) Haar, das; Haare Pl.; attrib. Haar-

    do one's/somebody's hair — sich/jemandem das Haar machen (ugs.)

    have or get one's hair done — sich (Dat.) das Haar od. die Haare machen (ugs.) lassen

    keep your hair on!(coll.) geh [mal] nicht gleich an die Decke! (ugs.)

    let one's hair down(give free expression to one's feelings etc.) aus sich herausgehen; (have a good time) auf den Putz hauen (ugs.)

    somebody's hair stands on end(fig.) jemandem stehen die Haare zu Berge (ugs.)

    get in somebody's hair(fig. coll.) jemandem auf die Nerven od. den Wecker gehen od. fallen (ugs.) See also bad 1. 1)

    * * *
    Haar -e n.

    English-german dictionary > hair

  • 12 hair

    1. [heə] n
    1. собир. волосы

    thick [thin] hair - густые [редкие] волосы

    in one's hair - а) без парика; б) с непокрытой головой

    a magnificent head /bush/ of hair - великолепная /роскошная/ шевелюра /копна волос/

    to brush [to comb] one's hair - причесать волосы щёткой [гребёнкой]

    to do one's hair - причёсываться, делать причёску

    to set [to curl] one's hair - сделать укладку [завивку] (волос)

    to let one's hair down - распустить волосы [см. тж. ]

    to put one's hair up - а) сделать себе «взрослую» причёску; б) стать взрослой, повзрослеть

    to lose one's hair - лысеть [см. тж. ]

    2. волос, волосинка
    3. 1) шерсть ( животного)

    the cat is losing /shedding/ its hair - кошка линяет

    2) щетина, иглы (дикобраза и т. п.)
    4. ворс
    5. тех. волосок, нить; визир ( в приборе)
    6. = haircloth
    7. = hair-spring

    by a hair - чуть-чуть

    to win [to lose] by a hair - победить [проиграть], показав чуть более высокий [низкий] результат

    both of a hair - ≅ одного поля ягода; два сапога - пара

    within a hair of death - на волосок от смерти /гибели/

    to (the turn of) a hair - точно, точь-в-точь

    exact to a hair - весьма точный; ≅ точная копия

    the reproduction mached the original to a hair - репродукция до мельчайших деталей повторяла оригинал

    a hair in one's neck - уст. предмет /причина/ раздражения

    a hair of the dog (that bit one) - порция спиртного для того, чтобы опохмелиться

    to take a hair of the dog that bit one - а) опохмелиться; б) ≅ клин клином вышибать

    to split hairs /a hair/ - вдаваться в тонкости; заниматься казуистикой, «занудствовать»

    to lose one's hair - терять хладнокровие /самообладание/ [см. тж. 1]

    to keep one's hair on - сохранять хладнокровие /самообладание/

    keep your hair on! - ≅ не лезь в бутылку!

    to tear one's hair - рвать на себе волосы (от досады, горя и т. п.)

    not to turn a hair - а) не выказывать нервозности /тревоги/; ≅ глазом не моргнуть; б) не подавать признаков усталости

    without turning a hair - а) хладнокровно, глазом не моргнув; б) без устали

    not to touch a hair of smb.'s head - не дать волосу упасть с чьей-л. головы

    to let one's hair down - а) держать себя очень непринуждённо /раскованно/; б) изливать душу; [см. тж. 1]

    to let one's hair down with smb. - поговорить с кем-л. по душам; излить душу перед кем-л.

    you can let your hair down in front of me - говорите всё, не стесняясь меня

    to comb /to stroke/ smb.'s hair (for him) - задать кому-л. головомойку; намылить голову кому-л.

    to make smb.'s hair curl - поразить /шокировать/ кого-л.; приводить кого-л. в ужас

    to make smb.'s hair stand (on end) - испугать кого-л.

    to get in smb.'s hair - раздражать кого-л.; досаждать кому-л.; играть на чьих-л. нервах

    to get /to have/ by the short hairs - а) крепко держать, не давать вырваться; б) полностью контролировать

    2. [heə] a
    1. = hairy 2
    2. тонкий как волос
    3. [heə] v
    1. удалять волосы
    2. разг. обрастать волосами
    3. тянуться тонкой нитью (о горячем расплавленном сахаре и т. п.)

    НБАРС > hair

  • 13 hair

    [heə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin: He brushed the dog's hairs off his jacket.) pelo
    2) (the mass of these, especially on a person's head: He's got brown hair.) cabelo
    - - haired
    - hairy
    - hairiness
    - hair's-breadth
    - hair-breadth
    - hairbrush
    - haircut
    - hair-do
    - hairdresser
    - hairdressing
    - hair-drier
    - hairline
    - hair-oil
    - hairpin
    2. adjective
    ((of a bend in a road) sharp and U-shaped, especially on a mountain or a hill.) curva fechada
    - hairstyle
    - keep one's hair on
    - let one's hair down
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - make hair stand on end
    - not to turn a hair
    - turn a hair
    - split hairs
    - tear one's hair
    * * *
    [hɛə] n 1 cabelo, pêlo. 2 fig algo muito pequeno ou fino. his hair stood on end seus cabelos eriçaram-se. to a hair exatamente. to get in someone’s hair ser a fonte de irritação de alguém. to keep one’s hair on ficar calmo. to let one’s hair down falar sem reservas. to lose one’s hair ficar com raiva, impaciente. to make someone’s hair curl chocar alguém. to make someone’s hair stand on end assustar alguém. within a hair’s breadth por um fio de cabelo, por um triz. without turning a hair sem pestanejar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hair

  • 14 hair

    [heə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin: He brushed the dog's hairs off his jacket.) dlaka
    2) (the mass of these, especially on a person's head: He's got brown hair.) lasje
    - - haired
    - hairy
    - hairiness
    - hair's-breadth
    - hair-breadth
    - hairbrush
    - haircut
    - hair-do
    - hairdresser
    - hairdressing
    - hair-drier
    - hairline
    - hair-oil
    - hairpin
    2. adjective
    ((of a bend in a road) sharp and U-shaped, especially on a mountain or a hill.) oster ovinek
    - hairstyle
    - keep one's hair on
    - let one's hair down
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - make hair stand on end
    - not to turn a hair
    - turn a hair
    - split hairs
    - tear one's hair
    * * *
    las, lasje, dlaka
    figuratively against the hair — ne pogodu, kar ti ne gre v račun
    to a hair — točno, natančno
    to comb s.o.'s hair for himozmerjati koga
    to get s.o. by the short hairsdobiti koga v oblast
    to get in s.o.'s hair — (raz)dražiti koga, razjeziti
    American to have s.o. in one's hairimeti koga na vratu
    to keep one's hair on — obrzdati se, ostati miren
    to let down one's hair — olajšati si srce, postati zaupljiv; prirodno se vesti
    to lose one's hair — izgubiti lase, postati plešast; colloquially razburiti se
    to make s.o.'s hair curl ( —ali stand on end) — prestrašiti koga, da se mu lasje ježijo; prestrašiti koga, da mu gredo lasje pokonci
    to put ( —ali turn) up one's hair — po žensko se počesati (dekle, ko odraste)
    not to touch a hair of s.o.'s headtudi lasu komu ne skriviti
    not to turn a hair — niti z očesom ne treniti, obvladati se

    English-Slovenian dictionary > hair

  • 15 hair

    /heə/ * danh từ - tóc, lông (người, thú, cây...); bộ lông (thú) =to do one's hair+ vấn tóc, làm đầu =to have (get) one's hair cut+ vấn tóc lên, búi tóc lên =to part one's hair+ rẽ đường ngôi =to let down one's hair+ bỏ xoã tóc (đàn bà) - (thông tục) xuềnh xoàng, tự nhiên, không nghi thức gò bó !against the hair - ngược lông (vuốt) - (nghĩa bóng) trái với y muốn, trái ngược !both of a hair - cùng một giuộc !to bring somebody's gray hairs to the grave !to bring somebody's gray hairs with (in) sorrow to the grave - làm cho ai chết vì buồn !by a hair !within a hair of - suýt nữa, chỉ một ít nữa !to a hair - rất đúng, đúng hoàn toàn !to comb somebody's hair for him !to stroke somebody's hair - mắng mỏ ai, xỉ vả ai, sửa lưng ai !to get (take) somebody by the short hairs - (từ lóng) khống chế ai, bắt ai thế nào cũng chịu !to hang by a hair - treo trên sợi tóc !to keep one's hair on - (từ lóng) bình tĩnh !to lose one's hair - rụng tóc, rụng lông - (thông tục) nổi cáu, mất bình tĩnh !to make somebody's hair curl - làm cho ai sửng sốt, làm cho ai ngạc nhiên, làm cho ai kinh ngạc - làm cho ai khiếp sợ !not to turn a hair !without turning a hair - không tỏ ra vẻ mệt nhọc một chút nào - phớt tỉnh, không sợ hãi, không nao núng !one's hair stands on end - tóc dựng ngược lên (vì sợ hãi...) !to split hairs - (xem) split !to take a hair of the dog that bit you - (tục ngữ) lấy độc trị độc

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > hair

  • 16 hair

    n. 1. үс. I must get my \hair cut. Би үсээ засуулах болжээ. 2. үс хялгас, унгас. get in sb`s hair байнга зовоох, шаналгах. let one`s hair down уяанаасаа алдуурах, задгайрах, дураараа дургих. make one's hair stand on end сүнсий нь зайлтал айлгах. keep your hair on бүү уурла;тайван бай. not turn a hair үл тоох, тоохгүй байх. The prisoner listened to his sentence without turning a \hair. Өөрт нь оноосон ялыг ялтан огт тоосон янзгүй сонсож суув. -haired adj. үстэй. long-haired урт үстэй. hairless adj. үсгүй. hair-raising adj. их аймаар, сүнс зайлмаар. hair's breadth n. хялгасан чинээ. within a \hair's breadth of death үхэхээ шахах, арай л үхсэнгүй. hair-splitting n. цамаархах, голох.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > hair

  • 17 hair

    n. Broadway toneelstuk en film over de tegencultuur en sociale kwesties van de 1960-er jaren
    haarharen, hoofdhaar
    1   do one's hair zijn haar kammen
         let one's hair down het haar los dragen; 〈informeel; figuurlijk〉 zich laten gaan
         lose one's hair kaal worden
         put up one's hair het haar opsteken
    a hair of the dog (that bit one) een glaasje tegen de kater/nadorst
         informeelmake someone's hair curl iemand de haren te berge doen rijzen
         informeelget in someone's hair iemand in de haren zitten
         hang by a hair aan een zijden draadje hangen
         not harm a hair on someone's head iemand geen haar krenken
         informeelkeep your hair on! maak je niet dik!
         split hairs haarkloven
         tear one's hair (out) zich de haren uit het hoofd trekken
         informeelwithout turning a hair zonder een spier te vertrekken
    → hare hare/

    English-Dutch dictionary > hair

  • 18 not to turn a hair

    (not to turn a hair (тж. without turning a hair))
    1) без устали, без передышки

    He had not turned a hair till we came to Walcot church. (J. Austen, ‘Northanger Abbey’, ch. VII) — Подъезжая к уолкотской церкви, мы заметили, что лошадь наша взмокла.

    He can play the piano for three hours without turning a hair. — Ему нипочем и три часа играть на рояле.

    2) не боясь, не смущаясь; ≈ глазом не моргнуть, и ухом не повести (тж. never turned a hair)

    Doyle: "...And he got about half a pint of whisky out of you." Broadbent: "It did him no harm. He never turned a hair." (B. Shaw, ‘John Bull's Other Island’, act I) — Дойл: "...Ничего себе - выдуть полпинты виски!" Бродбент: "И ничего ему при этом не сделалось. Он и глазом не моргнул."

    Rev. S: "I did not observe that Sir George drank excessively." Frank: "You were not in a condition to, Gov'nor..." Rev. S: "Is Crofts up yet?" Frank: "Oh, long ago. He hasn't turned a hair: he is in much better practice than you - has kept it up ever since probably." (B. Shaw, ‘Mrs. Warren's Profession’, act III) — Пастор: "я не заметил, чтобы сэр Джордж пил слишком много." Фрэнк: "Вы были не в состоянии это заметить, родитель..." Пастор: "А Крофтс встал?" Фрэнк: "О, давным-давно. Он ни в одном глазу! Видно, что чаще вашего прикладывается, а всего вернее, прикладывается непрерывно."

    ‘What do you think of her?’ ‘Fascinating.’ ‘I'll tell her that, she won't turn a hair. The earth's most matter-of-fact young woman.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘Maid it Waiting’, ch. X) — - что вы о ней думаете? - Очаровательна. - я ей это скажу, но это не произведет на нее впечатления. Самая прозаическая на свете молодая особа.

    I'd spend money like water on all sorts of silly rubbish and never turn a hair, but I hate spending money on paper. (J. Priestley, ‘Angel Pavement’, ch. V) — я не поморщившись трачу деньги без счета на всякую чепуху, а вот на бумагу мне денег жалко.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > not to turn a hair

  • 19 (not to) turn a hair

    (to remain calm: He put his finger in the flame without turning a hair.) uden at fortrække en mine
    * * *
    (to remain calm: He put his finger in the flame without turning a hair.) uden at fortrække en mine

    English-Danish dictionary > (not to) turn a hair

  • 20 (not to) turn a hair

    (to remain calm: He put his finger in the flame without turning a hair.) uden at fortrække en mine
    * * *
    (to remain calm: He put his finger in the flame without turning a hair.) uden at fortrække en mine

    English-Danish dictionary > (not to) turn a hair

См. также в других словарях:

  • without turning a hair — without a sign of fear or stress, cool, without batting an eye    Without turning a hair, Adriana told them she was Madonna s manager! …   English idioms

  • hair — hairlike, adj. /hair/, n. 1. any of the numerous fine, usually cylindrical, keratinous filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals; a pilus. 2. an aggregate of such filaments, as that covering the human head or forming the coat of most… …   Universalium

  • hair — /hɛə / (say hair) noun 1. the natural covering of the human head. 2. the aggregate of hairs which grow on an animal. 3. one of the numerous fine, usually cylindrical filaments growing from the skin and forming the coat of most mammals. 4. a… …  

  • not turn a hair — 1. (of a horse) to show no sweat 2. Not to be ruffled or disturbed • • • Main Entry: ↑hair not turn a hair To be quite undisturbed or unaffected • • • Main Entry: ↑turn * * * not turn a hair phrase …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn a hair — phrasal : to give a sign of discomposure or disturbance used in negative constructions came through the ordeal without turning a hair never turned a hair …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn a hair — idi to show excitement, fear, or other response (usu. used in the negative): to cut through traffic without turning a hair[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • Hair Kingdom villains — This is an article about the Hair Kingdom, from the manga/anime series Bobobo bo Bo bobo by Yoshio Sawai. The home country of several characters, including main character Bo bobo and key warrior Hatenko, it is also the final destination of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Human hair color — Hair color is the pigmentation of hair follicles due to the two types of melanin, eumelanin and phaeomelanin. Generally, if more melanin is present in the hair, the color of the hair is darker; if less melanin is present, the hair color is… …   Wikipedia

  • Diana’s Hair Ego — Infobox Film name = Diana s Hair Ego image size = caption = director = Ellen Spiro producer = Ellen Spiro writer = narrator = starring = music = cinematography = Ellen Spiro editing = distributor = released = 1991 runtime = 29:00 country =… …   Wikipedia

  • Diana's Hair Ego — Directed by Ellen Spiro Produced by Ellen Spiro Cinematography Ellen Spiro …   Wikipedia

  • Nicolai Gedda — (left), in Finland, debating about musical interpretation with Caj Ehrstedt (on the right), during the Korsholm Music Festival,[1] in 1987 …   Wikipedia

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